🎶 Leavin on a jet plane (the damn thing left before I could finish drawing)… also realised I forgot to pack my paints :(

Without migration, the population of high-income countries would shrink ourworldindata.org/data-insi…

The First Virtual Meeting Was in 1916 spectrum.ieee.org/virtual-m…
Grab built its own map in Southeast Asia, and is now going after Google restofworld.org/2024/grab…
Can’t start a podcast without having to skip 2 mins of adds and throat clearing… Can’t go to a website without having to close eleventy popups… Can’t read the news without five captchas and a letter from my bank…
How does my podcast app always know to download episodes in an inverse order to how I want to listen to them
Branching out: the Sydney street libraries where neighbours swap plants instead of books www.theguardian.com/lifeandst…
Honestly don’t know how Australia can continue to call itself a real country as long as “Aussie Aussie Aussie” remains the main/sole sports chant. Some Pakistan fans have been yelling it ironically… It’s devastating.
Really need Apple to explain why, just because I installed Xcode after I installed Vsual Studio code, I would suddenly want to default open all python scripts in Xcode… Why is this an automatic change that I then need to go undo?
Amazing maze-based, interactive exploration of abortion policies in the US pudding.cool/2024/10/a…
Firooza burned all of her cricket gear to hide it from the Taliban. Then Australia went into bat for her www.theage.com.au/sport/cri…
Not only is the hardcover cheaper than the ebook, it’s cheaper to get a hardcover shipped from overseas

Tackles and textbooks: inside the UK’s NFL dream factory www.theguardian.com/sport/202…