Josh's micro blog

Was a bit excited coz we bought a printer and I’ve never owned one (my mum had one but I’ve never owned one). Anyway, took me quite a while to realise I forgot to buy paper…

Really like this way of displaying uncertainty in the nytimes poll tracker #datavis…

Another beautifully illustrated #datavis from SCMP albeit about a very serious topic…

Starting to get better proportions in quick unposed sketches

Reading late

The return of pneumatic tubes…

‘A distressing reality’: our beautiful planet under threat – in pictures…

Can the Australian and New Zealand governments not just timeshare a plane? This question is not unrelated to my thoughts that most political events should be video calls and most video calls shouldn’t happen.

(English) students at top private schools have 10 times more green space than state pupils #datavis…

Also what the hell is up with this cloud(?) in Melbourne today

Really not a fan of Kraft paper

Missed this great interactive on why you shouldn’t mow the lawn 📊…

Great ABC roundup of pertinent numbers around nuclear energy in Aus…

Discovery algos are too heavily weighted for recency. Watercolour demos and furniture building/restoration are like 90% of what I (purposefully) watch. I’m usually happy with my feed. But then I click on one sports clip and that becomes 170% of what I see. It makes me not want to click on anything

Minoli made mani pittu!!!!!

Best thing about cheese boards is quince paste tbh. I could take or leave the cheese most of the time

it was all yellow

“The carbon cost of rebuilding Gaza will be greater than the annual greenhouse gas emissions generated individually by 135 countries”…

Australian cricket team currently taking on a German grandmother(?) at the World Cup

Can’t recommend life drawing enough. Went for the third time last night and I can definitely see (and feel) the improvement

More dogs everywhere imo (with mitigation for people who are scared, allergic etc.)…

Waiting for the tram

Just keep knitting

Need a compound German word for pants that immediately eject anything in your pockets when you sit down